Rose Brocade Fabulace lace mat by Confectioners Choice
Create stunning 3 dimensional lace flowers and use the trim designs to add beautiful lace to your cakes.
Note the completed flower shown does not come with the mat. it was created using both leaf sizes, 5 of the largest petals and 5 of the 2nd smallest petals.
Size: 400x300x2mm
Use this lace to adorn your cakes, cupcakes, cookies and confections by brushing or lightly misting the surface of your confection with water. Be careful not to get the surface of your confection too wet or you may dissolve the lace.
How to Use
Using an offset spatula, spread FabuLace™ mixture into mat with firm and even pressure, working out any air pockets as you go.
Using an icing scraper (or similar), clean excess FabuLace™ from mat, ensuring clean edges around the entire design on the mat.
Air dry FabuLace™ for 4 – 8 hours or bake set FabuLace™ for 10 – 15 minutes (8 – 10 minutes for ready-to-use FabuLace™) at 160°F – 175°F or 70°C – 80°C. When set, FabuLace™ will easily release from mat without much resistance.
For added strength and easier handling, a second coat of FabuLace™ may be added before removing from the mat and allowed to dry again.